This study group/cluster of learning opportunities relates to emerging practices & communities mobilising around ‘open design’, crafts, and computer-aided manufacturing or electronics. We also look at how connections can be made between different skills, ways of doing, and traditions in the eastern Baltic Sea Region.
Dynamic info:
E-embroidery Workshop
This 2-day workshop explore the marriage of traditional embroidery and electronics in an e-textile workshop, on Saturday and Sunday 17.-18.3.2012. Embracing crafting traditions and open design, the workshop takes place in Helsinki, and is organised by
Ramyah Gowrishankar
(New Media Designer) and
Kati Hyyppä
(Researcher, Interaction Designer). The workshop takes place at Pixelache office, Kaapelitehdas in Ruoholahti district. No previous experience is required. After this, you will dive hands-on in stitching yarns and LEDs into fascinating patterns with a helping hand from tutors.
>>More info & inspiration
Pixelache Festival Open Map Project
During WDC2012 Open Weekend Invisible City event at Korjaamo on 4.2.2012, Pixelache contributed a workshop proposal towards open data, transparency and info-visualisation. We turned the 'scope onto our own hidden and semi-forgotten organisational data, that stretches back to 2002. This event started a process of making an open data and visualisation project to map and visualize the history and connections, between different activities, organisations and people in Pixelache Festival and the digital culture scene of Helsinki / Finland.
We (Andrew Paterson, Nathalie Aubert et al.) are using DOT programming language and Graphviz to make digital versions. Over the year, we will continue to develop the Open Map, making a physical copy it in November 2012.
>>More info & files
Open Workshop 13-14.10.
Following all the openness that has been around in Helsinki this year, as part of WDC, ADC and OK Festival, we invite you to get involved in a _very_ Open Workshop weekend! What happens in the workshop is open. How it gets done is open. What to spend the budget on is open. Participation is free and open, however based on email registration in advance. A reasonable amount of money will be on the table at the beginning. Those attending the workshop will have to collaborate, discuss, make decisions, and do it together. The process will be documented by Antti Ahonen, and has to be accountable according to Finnish cultural association standard and rules at the endof workshop (receipts stuck on A4). The workshop starts on Saturday 13.10. at 12.00, and will be completed by Sunday 14.10 at 18.00.
More information.
Schedule in 2012
01.01.-30.12. Reporting on open design and data activities in the region
14.2. Open Map Workshop as contribution to Invisible City WDC2012, Korjaamo, Töölö, Helsinki.
17-18.03. E-embroidery Workshop by
Ramyah Gowrishankar & Kati Hyyppä, Pixelache office, Kaapelitehdas, Helsinki, Finland.
12.05. Camp Pixelache sub-theme: Open Design, Crafts & Manufacturing, Arbis adult-education centre, Helsinki, Finland.
25-28.05. 'M4m' Seminar & Workshops in collaboration with
SERDE, Aizpute, Latvia.
13-14.10.Open Workshop, Pixelache office, Helsinki, Finland.
??.11. Light is History project by
Karthikeya Acharya & Samir Bhowmik, location to be confirmed, Helsinki, Finland.
Ramyah Gowrishankar & Kati Hyyppä (E-embroidery workshop, FI): eembroideryworkshop [-at-] gmail.com
Image credit: Bekathwia (
Lilypad Embroidery set)