The Knowledge & Experience Sharing project of Pixelversity emerged from the Virtuality, Social Identity and Augmented Reality projects of 2011-2012. Continuing some themes of social interaction explored here, Knowledge & Experience Sharing incorporates digital tools, communication infrastructures, streaming media learning, archiving and documentation strategies into Pixelache activities.

The workshop Cryptography for Postcards introduces the basic principles of cryptography and cryptoanalysis with collaboratively created handmade ciphers and postcards.
Cryptography as a means of secure transmission of information is a technology applied since the earliest days of human information exchange and did not loose significance. On the contrary, the current revelations concerning comprehensive surveillance and the resulting discussions about privacy are increasing. Cryptography is one aspect of digital self The workshop begins with an introduction of the terminology: text and code,...
What: Project and public space interventions
When: Thursday-Friday 16-17.5. at the times below on both days
10:00-12:00– Urbandérive(drift) in the public space of Helsinki.
14:00-22:00– Radio-laboratory from Pixelache Festival, at different locations.

A workshop duringPixelache Festivaldays where we will investigate and we will open an open disscussion about issues related to privacy, public space and mass surveillance. At the end of the workshop we will develop different public space interventions related with the topic.

'N' stands for Narrative, and this is the first in a series of events. Most of us live much of our lives in the ether. We have a mobile phone with us at all times with the result that we are always on and never truly alone. We have maps and geo-positioning on our phones so that we are always traceable and never truly lost. We tweet and update our Facebook status so that we say what comes into our minds when it comes into our minds, and we are rarely truly reflective.
In all of this we are telling each other stories about what we are doing, and from this others read stories about who we...
What: Workshop and project presentation
When: Wednesday-Friday 8-10.5. from 16:00-19:00
Where: Nuorten toimintakeskus Happi, Sörnäisten rantatie 31, 00500 Helsinki.
Welcome to join a participatory and collaborative workshop project led byConstanza Piña Pardo(Chile), who will help participants develop small flying electro-acoustic transducers, mainly using waste material, to be used as communication system to share secrets in the public space.
During the workshop, the following questions will be considered: Are we free to express ourselves and share information in the public space? Are the...