Sound and visual artists, designers, creative coders, performers are invited to participate in workshops and collaborative audiovisual performances related to the Creative Coding for Live Audio and Visuals theme. We believe it is a good way to improve one’s skills and understanding about creating works in a form of audiovisual performance.
Last year Irina Spicaka curated a series of workshops in cooperation with AAVE Festival in Helsinki, and also in Riga, in Autumn as a prelude event to RIXC’s Art+Communication Festival. She will this year develop these experiences again in 2014 in April, exploring the use of Raspberry Pi platform as an live audio-visual tool using OpenFrameworks and PureData coding. Look out for call for participation very soon!

We are inviting audiovisual media artists, designers and coders to participate in 3-day longRaspberry Pi + openFrameworksandRaspberry Pi + Pure Dataworkshops which will result in a collaborative audiovisual jam session. ThesePixelversitysupported events will happeninHelsinki, Finland, as part of theAAVE festivalfrom7-13. April, 2014. Apply before deadline23rd February, and results will be announced on February 28.Find out more about the workshopshere.If you have any questions contact event curator Irina Spicaka to irina [-at-]cc4av.info.

In this workshop, participants will learn about the live streaming capabilities of Raspberry Pi, a small pocket sized computer, in combination with available webcams, microphones and mobile technology to create portable devices for live streaming. The participants will learn to create, maintain and modify a mobile live streaming setup to be used in their own activities. These devices could then be used in online radios for live broadcasting, site-specific artistic performances, public lectures and events to reach wider online audience and for direct documentation of events.
Evening 1:...