.audiovisual hacking

Photo: A can for a Camera sequencer by Gijs Gieskes Audiovisual Hacking theme will explore the potential of creating images/light/visuals/pixels and other blinking, sparkling and twinkling things from electronic junk, discarded toys and cheap components. The organisers of this theme are Antti Ahonen (FI) / Association of Experimental Electronics and Tuomo Tammenpää (FI). The main Audiovisual Hacking workshop with our special guest Gijs Gieskes (NL) will take place on Tue 31 March + Wed 1 April at Koelse HQ in Vallila, Helsinki. The workshop is targeted for participants with some prior knowledge to bending and hacking. If you are interested in joining please send an email to avhacking09 ((at)) pixelache.ac. The workshops results will be gathered to a special Audiovisual Hacking container outside Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art. On Saturday 4 April afternoon the container doors will be open for anyone to join in and peek into the world of hacking. Preliminary schedule: Tuesday, 31 March, 15-21
• Audiovisual Hacking workshop starts at Koelse lab
• introductions
• building, bending, hacking Wednesday, 1 April, 15-21
• location: Koelse lab
• building, bending, hacking Thursday, 2 April, 12-18
• location: The Container, Kiasma front yard
• setting up the container
• building, bending, hacking in container Friday, 3 April, 17-19
• location: The Container, Kiasma front yard
• opening - demonstrating the results for audience
• later in the evening: Gieskes show in Pixelache09 Dubrovnik club Saturday, 4 April, 12-17
• location: The Container, Kiasma front yard
• Open Container, public access to the container
• demonstrations

Tuomo Tammenpää: www.misusage.org
Gijs Gieskes: www.gieskes.nl Also check out the pre-festival workshop: Audiovisual Hacking workshop on 28 Feb