Cultural practitioners, activists, and economic theorists from Finland and abroad, working from different contexts, strategies and institutional backgrounds, were invited to contribute to this theme.
Michael Albert (US), Michel Bauwens (BE/TH), Geraldine Juárez (MX), Tapani Köppä (FI),
Kristoffer Lawson of Scred (FI), Wojtek Mejor (PL), Saija-Riitta Sadeoja of Porkkanamafia (FI),Oliver Ressler (AT), Sara Sajjad of Piratbyrån (SE), Felix Stalder (AT), Tere Vadén (FI), and
Eero Yli-Vakkuri of Uuva Project (FI).
Documentations of the programme
Download press release [suomeksi .pdf 71kb]
Download speakers biographies and presentation/project abstracts [.pdf 171K]
Download seminar infosheet (including texts on this page) [.pdf 292K]
Morning session
10.00 – 12.00 in Kiasma Theatre
Chaired by Marita Muukkonen & Ivor Stodolsky of Perpetuum Mobile.
Afternoon sessions
13.00 – 16.00 in Kiasma Theatre
16.30 – 18.00 in Kiasma Seminar room
Chaired by Roope Mokka of Demos Helsinki.
Seminar registration & costs
Registrations were taken to indicate audience numbers and constitution.
Further information email to alt.econ.cult [-at-] pixelache.ac
Free entry! (festival pass not needed)
Volunteer contributions (of 5, 10, 30, 50€) welcome.
Donate online (suorita maksu suomeksi). Total raised by 5th April: €305
There was also a Piñata, specially-made by Geraldine Juárez, at the PIxelache info desk to gatheroffline donations. Total raised by 5th April: €27
See final budget (circa 17.04.2009): [.pdf 76kb] file licensed as CC-by-nc-nd. Or view online here