Press accreditations
Please send an email to press2011((ät)) or call Kati Hurme (+358 44 919 7750)
Press releases
22.2.2011: Pikseliähky 2011 -festivaali hakkeroituu Suomenlinnaan (press release in Finnish)

>> Pixelache logo in PDF + JPG format
Press images
1. Groworld Bazaar

>> HIGH RESOLUTION (Photo credit: FoAM) 2. Groworld Bazaar

>> HIGH RESOLUTION (Photo credit: FoAM) 3. Groworld Bazaar: Seedballing workshop

>> HIGH RESOLUTION (Photo credit: FoAM) 4. Computational Photography: Artificial Smile

>> HIGH RESOLUTION (Photo credit: Andreas Schmelas & Stefan Stubbe) 5. Computational Photography: Portraits of a machine

>> HIGH RESOLUTION (Photo credit: Wolfgang Bittner & Stijn Belle) 6. Computational Photography: Self-Organized Landscape

>> HIGH RESOLUTION (Photo credit: Ben Bogart) 7. Signals from the South: Simulen

>> HIGH RESOLUTION (Photo credit: Nathalie Aubret) 8. Signals from the South: Ecoson

>> HIGH RESOLUTION (Photo credit: Stéphanie Hugues) 9. Signals from the South: Ecoson closeup

>> HIGH RESOLUTION (Photo credit: Stéphanie Hugues)