Kaikki julkaisut jäseneltä John W. Fail:

Photos by Antti Ahonen The nights proceedings commenced with Program Facilitator, Andrew Paterson, reading from his freshly penned #Burn____ Open Call, this was followed by a preview of the 2020 programing by producer Steve Maher. First act of the night -...
A creative text written by Andrew Gryf Paterson, expanding upon the theme #Burn____ which connects our Pixelache programme 2020, towards the next Pixelache Helsinki 2021 Festival. Paterson is the initiator and lead facilitator of the festival, scheduled to...
News / Recommended events
Hitaasti tapahtuvaa muutosta on mahdollista ymmärtää pitkäjännitteisen työn, yrityksen ja erehdyksen kautta; monitieteisesti ja avarasti maailmaa tarkkaillen ja ajatellen. Metsä-Ilmasto-Aika antaa puheenvuoron ilmaston, elämän ja ajan tutkailijoille, jotka...
Misc / Recommended events
Tartu University Centre for the Information Society and UT IdeaLab invite you to join in a search for solutions to various post-truth problems during a 24h hacking session, focusing on data journalism and innovation of digital media infrastructure. Since...
News / Open calls / Pixelache Projects
Pixelache announces a new project for 2017, Empathy as Resistance, which will explore how empathy can be employed as a tool for political and social change. The project will take the form of a series of activities, each with a different focus and...
Pixelache Festival
Pixelache visits Rovaniemi and Jyväskylä in May and November! Pixelache Festival reaches out in 2016 with four satellite events to Rovaniemi and Jyväskylä. The two main events will happen in November and will explore the thematics of this year's festival...
Pixeache Festival 2016 - 'Interfaces for Empathy' has an open call for performances, interventions, installations, talks, workshops, actions, processes, etc. in any field. The call is open until 1st of May 2016. Go to more information about the call and...
Recommended events
Oletko taiteilija, joka haluaa työskennellä ei-taidealan organisaatiossa? Tervetuloa Tavataan keskellä -tapahtumaan: Ammattilaisfoorumi ulkomaisille ja suomalaisille taiteilijoille sekä julkisen sektorin toimijoille Kulttuurikeskus Caisassa 11.5.2016....
Open calls
The Ecology and Society journal is open for submissions on the theme of 'Reconciling Art and Science for Sustainability' until July. This issue is a work in progress and can be found at www.ecologyandsociety.org; current submissions include topics on...
News / Pixelache Projects
Pixelache launched it's 2016 Trashlab programme with an afternoon session in the sculpture department of Kuvataideakateemia's kitchen. Hosted by Pixelache's Justin Tyle Tate, the session found a variety of participants fixing clothes, electronics, toys, and...
Recommended events
The Finnish Urban Studies Days 2016 conference has been announced: The theme of the multidisciplinary Urban Studies Days focuses on the City of Actors. The conference will take place at the House of Sciences and Letters on the 28th-29th April 2016. The...
Open calls / Recommended events
Baltic Circle, Helsingissä järjestettävä vuotuinen esittävän taiteen festivaali, on julkaissut avoimen teoshaun. Suomessa tarvitaan kipeästi sosiaalisten taitojen vahvistamista ja laajempaa kulttuuristen kontekstien ja historioiden ymmärrystä. Voisi jopa...