Ursula Gastfall and Alexandre Korber from Usinette and Edgar Afoutou from Defko yaw rek have been invited by Pixelache to Helsinki 2 weeks from 15 to 29 May 2013 for a micro-production-residency.
Usinette is a hacklab-like organisation. Defko yaw rek is a project initiated by Kër Thiossane in Dakar to bring together a group of local makers. Together they started to develop a thread made from recycled plastic last spring in Dakar, as part of a 2 week workshop held in the context of our friend festival Afropixel. For that purpose they created a plastic recycling machine. The goal is to use this recycled thread for digital fabrication etc, but the thread is not totally functional yet and needs to be developed further. During their residency time they will participate in Pixelache festival (16-19.5), give some workshops, meet local makers and they are also hoping to develop the plastic thread to the next stage.
This residency will be hosted at Made in Kallio. This project is a cooperation between Kër Thiossane (Dakar, Senegal), Made in Kallio & Pixelache.