Signals from the South is an ongoing project of Pixelache that seeks to bring cultural projects (art, activitism and other) from ‘the South’. In the past this project has focused on South America, Africa, Asia, and even Estonia, and has featured a wide variety of art exhibitions, installations, residencies and seminars.

This keynote presentation is concentrating on the connection and communication between two capital cities Tallinn and Helsinki, both located in the Baltic Sea Region and separated by 78km distance between them. This presentation will offer a unique opportunity to peek into the most mobile unit of Talsinki/Hellinn for just one night. For the first time a public Tallinn-Helsinki twin city presentation and discussion will be held on “common ground”, an in-between place – the ferry.
Since Estonia regained its independence in 1991, the connections between the two countries and capital cities...

TALSINKI STEREO is a collaborative project betweenFinnish Academy of FIne Arts, Helsinki (Kuva) and theEstonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn (Artun) initiated byCaspar Stracke, Prof. for Moving Image, Kuva in collaboration withRaivo Kelomees, Prof. for New Media at Artun.
The project is a visual comparison of various sociological urban phenomena from Tallinn and Helsinki, juxtaposing moving images containing topics such as population density, urban destruction renewal, urban gardening, architectural ornaments, signs and meta-signs, improvised meeting spots. All scenes appear as pairs comprised...
Featuring works by Jean Katambayi Mukendi from Congo (RDC), a self-taught artist and scientist, who has a passion for logic, maths and electricity

For the 4th edition of Signals from the South, a programme dedicated to art, media and technology projects from South America, Africa and Asia, Pixelache has the pleasure to present an exhibition by Jean Katambayi Mukendi (R.D. Congo). Jean will be in residence atHIAPin theCable Factoryduring the first 2 weeks of March.
Signals from the South is organised by Pixelache, with support from theFinnish Ministry of Foreign Affairsand in cooperation withFondation Blachère(France),Gallery Myymälä2andHIAP.
ABOUT JEAN KATAMBAYI MUKENDIJean Katambayi Mukendi was born in 1974 in Lubumbashi, the ‘...

The seminar explores different examples of alternative communication networks and other grassroot and community-based infrastructures in the South. It includes the following presentationss:
// Ashok Sukumaran (INDIA)
*Ashok Sukumarantrained as an architect and artist, now does speculative technical and conceptual projects. This work explores the intersection of spaces of living, and technologies being ‘embedded’ within them. The technologies themselves range from imaging and distribution systems to transport and other infrastructures. He is interested in the thresholds of visibility,...

New media in ‘the South’ today: Developing open source software tools, hacking and missusing technologies, creating networks outside the reach of the authorities.
- Eléonore Hellio (FR) & Dicoco Boketshu (Congo): MOWOSO collective in Kishasa, Congo
Eléonore Hellio and Dicoco Boketshu will talk about MOWOSO, a new art collective they co-created in KINSHASA and will talk about the relationship young artists and people who live in the "cité" (harsh neighbourhood) have to new media.
- Erik Sandelin & Åsa Ståhl (SE): Burma - Creating art under the radar
You can be our window, a...