This theme focuses on fast peer-production & crowd-sourcing digital tools, interfaces, archiving, streaming media & documentation, through open sessions focusing on knowledge sharing and archiving. This context will be used to explore new open-source solutions, develop new practices and share methods, as an open learning and ‘open-sourcing’ process, for improved documentation, archivization, and distribution of learning outcomes.

You are invited to take part in Living Chatter, which is a part of this year'sPixelache Festival. Living Chatter will take place at Arcada University of Applied Science on Friday, 25 September. It will begin in Oasis, Room C350, at 11:00. It is scheduled to end sometime after 16:00. In this particular case, despite what people say, there will be a free lunch!
What is Living Chatter?Living Chatter is an experimental think-in using a format that we have devised. It will be a structured discussion that we hope will produce concrete results that may, in turn, help define Pixelache's future...

Workshop by Jon Nordby (Norway) where we will use visual programming in Flowhub to createcustom sensors, interactions and sound experiences.
As a basis we have microcontrollers (Arduino) wiredwith sensors, both off-the-shelf and custom-built.
These we will connect to our laptops and/orembedded Linux machines (Raspberry Pi) and use
SuperCollider to create sound from these.
Depending on the interest and feedback,we may go on to develop an installation or performance
to be completed during the festival.
Participants should bring:
* Laptop (Linux/OSX/Windows)
* Headphones

Date & Time: 13.00-16.00 Sunday 17/5/15
Place: Access Space, Upstairs at the Rutland Arms
Workshop Host: Nathalie Aubret
Sign-up: by email to nathalie(((@))) Please describe in 2 sentences your festival idea.
Do you have an idea for a festival (of any kind, big or small) that you would like to develop? Are you looking for feedback, perspectives and support from peers and perhaps for possible collaborators? Join our DIY festival making workshop!
The workshop will start with a short presentation of case-examples, sharing the experience of the Do It Anyway festival itself as...

In the context of Open Sourcing Festivals, our UK partnerAccess Spaceis gearing up towardsDo It Anyway 2015, their first ever festival as well as the first manifestation of a Pixelache Network festival in the UK. Do It Anyway is also the closing event for the whole Open Sourcing Festivals process. The event will take place during the week end of15-16 Mayin Sheffield. Over the weekend the festival will feature free digital arts performances and workshops. Follow programme updates in the coming weekshere.
Workshop by Hlöðver Sigurðsson.
HlöðverSigurðsson plays a musical improvision using interactive graphics. The music is performed through a computer program, programmed by the artist to control the performance. The composer uses Overtone to program chords and sounds, usingglitches and noise to create an unpredictable outcome. The graphics are created by connectiong sounds from colorand pattern parameters in the graphic via GLSL programming.All programs used are published under the Creative Commons or MIT/BSD/GNU.
Hlöðver Sigurðsson graduated with MA in music composition from Iceland Arts...
Performance by Ríkharður H. Friðriksson.
Do you have a sore throat ? A bad cold? Or did you have too much to drink last night? Is your voice destroyed and your respiration not function as it should? This works is inspired by the composer‘s suffering from all of the above during the darkest period of an Icelandic winter. The work was carried out almost entirely on Kyma sound system atthe studio of Kopavogur Music School during the shortest days of winter in 2001-2002. Unable to complete the work properly for a deadline in February, Rikhardur continued to work on the piecein the spring of...

Within the context of Gaîté Lyrique's'Laboratoire Ouvert',Mal au Pixeland the Pixelache Networkhas proposedfrom May 2014 to April 2015,a cycle of open meetings, gatherings and workshopsofferingcritical points of viewon current, emergingor future technologies. Artist-researchers have beeninvited to transmit their know-how during a workshop, in areas such as open source programming, open hardware electronic creation, network protocols, real-time interaction etc. As the closing event of this cycle, Mal au pixel is organising a full week-end of performances, talks and workshops:
Friday April...
In the context of Open Sourcing Festivals, and as the closing event of Mal au Pixel’s one year long Pixel_Lab workshope cycle, a full week-end ofperformances, talks and workshops, addressing technologies and innovation critically with an ecological sensibility, is organized at la Gaîté Lyrique in Paris during 24-26.4.2015.
Onthis occasion, Pixel_Lab will examine and collectively reflect on of some of the very topical questions raised by the «digital tsunami » : the transformations of identities and sociabilities ; the speculation on the value of social capital in theera of social networks ;...