Pixelache 2008
12-16 March, Helsinki
- Pixelache Lounge: showcase of artworks and student projects
- Concerts and performances in Kiasma Theatre
- Pixelache club events
- Seminar on education (in the cross-roads of media, technology, art and culture)
*** A sneak preview of Pixelache 2008 programme! ****
The Camera Lucida by Evelina Domnitch and Dmitry Gelfand
The Camera Lucida is a reminder of the days when the latest innovations of science were presented to people by nomadic gypsies, in a form of mysterious theatre. Evelina Domnitch and Dmitry Gelfand are the ceremony masters of this artwork, guiding the audience in a completely dark room to show them a spectacular new discovery in physics.
Created in collaboration with scientific laboratories in Japan, Germany, Belgium, Russia and United States, the Camera Lucida (lucid or light chamber) installation allows one to directly convert sound waves into light by employing a phenomenon called sonoluminiscence: ultrasound within licuid causes micro-bubbles of gas to implode, as which point they become as hot as the Sun and emit light in the shape of sound waves.
Camera Lucida is shown at Kiasma Mediatheque exhibition room, opening on 7 March 2008.
v*i*d*a lab / Alejandro Tamayo (Colombia)
Alejandro's interview at WMMNA.com
v*i*d*a lab is a special study project for students of industrial design, at Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia. The students explore the question ‘What is life?’ with the aid of 6 visiting teachers from different disciplines (biology, sociology, etc). The students explore the border between nature and technology, between designed and self-organised systems. Alejandro Tamayo is an artist-engineer and a teacher working in the intersections of design, art and new technologies.
Alejandro Tamayo will present his own work at Pixelache Lounge, will give a presentation at Pixelache seminar and also host a workshop during Pixelache week.
Kitchen Budapest (Hungary)
Kitchen Budapest is a new media lab for young researchers who are interested in the convergence of mobile communication, online communities and urban space and are passionate about creating experimental projects in cross-disciplinary teams.
What happens to the net once it meets the urban space? How does private space relate to the saturating wireless networks? Where does user created content gain authority? How does our use of cities alter as we get more and more real time feedback of its dynamics? What makes a home smart? Street-smart? We would like to rethink and remix the possibilities of new media in our everyday lives and to augment connections between new technologies and our society.
KIBU projects will be featured in Pixelache Lounge and KIBU concept in presented in Pixelache seminar on education.
ANTIDATAMINING by RYBN collective and Marika Dermineur is both an artistic research, a socio-economic and a geopolitical investigation, as well as a real-time archaeology process focusing on the data flows which compose a part of our contemporary society.
'Data mining is the principle of sorting through large amounts of data and picking out relevant information. It is usually used by business intelligence organizations, and financial analysts, but it is increasingly used in the sciences to extract information from the enormous data sets generated by modern experimental and observational methods.' (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_mining )
(Simon Faithfull: Escape Vehicle no. 6)
Pixelache compilation #1
The name of Pixelache festival was originally found in an article predicting words that would emerge in nearby future. 'Pixelache' was supposed to describe the sensation of an overdose of digital media.
Pixelache compilation #1 is a selection of videos that reflects the often frustrating and numbing experience of trying to navigate the vast information streams available for each of us today. It is also a showcase of how artists are responding to structures that are heavily controlled by social codes, laws and commercial interests. Many of the videos in the screening are just samples and short excerpts of larger projects, in which artists have developed their own non-conventional tools and working methods.
Pixelache screening features work from Abhishek Hazra (India), Geert Mul (Netherlands), HeHe - Helen Evans & Heiko Hansen (France), JODI (eu/holland/belgium), Kristian Simolin (Finland), Liisa Lounila (Finland), Mike Nourse (US/Canada), Simon Faithfull (UK) and Steven Dixon & Tore Nilsson (Sweden). Pixelache Screening is premiered in Etoiles Polaires festival in Vooruit, Ghent in December 2007.
Prix Möbius Nordica 2008
Digital media culture competition PRIX MÖBIUS NORDICA is open for interactive and innovative culture-oriented productions, products or artworks that have been published or completed in 2006 and 2007 and created by authors who live and work in the Nordic countries, Estonia, Latvia, or Lithuania. Deadline January 18, 2008!
Prix Möbius Nordica takes place on Wednesday, March 12, 2008, at Kiasma Theatre. The competition is organized in collaboration with Pixelache festival.
Also in the programme:
* NIP - New Interfaces in Performance (UK + Netherlands + Portugal)
* Nokia Only Planet (international)
* Video in Theatre seminar
...and much more! Programme details will be updated during spring 2008...
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