How can cultural associations engage with urban/social change? When can or should cultural associations hand over community-orientated projects to the local communities they are initiated with? On Saturday 21. April, at Finnish Social Forum event Pixelache Helsinki and Linnalabor Tallinn discuss the organisational and participatory practices of engaging in one's neighbourhood and the different economies involved. They will cover different citizen, volunteer, artistic and activist strategies, as well as grassroots community development in their recent work.
Nathalie Aubret presents the concept and experience of Pixelache's ongoing local currency project Suomenlinna Money Lab. Kaur Sarv tells how Linnalabor changed the notion of public space in Tallinn by turning a pedestrian tunnel into an art gallery and initiated several small urban gardens and discussions about sustainable urban life by publishing the book "Edible City". He will introduce also some future projects with urban interventions in Tallinn. While Andrew Paterson shares upcoming activities from Pixelversity's Creative Neighbourhood Skills theme, such as the 'Light is History' project: a social winter light installation created from recycled materials for neighbourhood backyards.
Finnish Social Forum takes place 21.-22-4. at Arbis with theme 'Occupy Democracy'. In this context, Pixelache also presents Camp Pixelache, the latest version of annual Pixelache festival, to be held in Arbis as well, during 11-12 May and exploring the theme of 'Do it With Others'
Schedule 14:00-15:00
5 min Introductions by Andrew Paterson
15-20 min Presentation by Nathalie Aubert about Suomenlinna Money Lab
10 mins for Questions/discussion
15-20 mins Presentation by Kaur Sarv about Linnalabor projects The Planning Manual and Viru Tunnel Design & Landscape Game. >> Download slides [1.9MB PDF]
10 mins for Questions/discussion
Schedule 15:00-15:45
10 mins Short summary by Andrew Paterson about Pixelversity Creative Neighbourhood Skills activities.
>> Download slides [4.5MB PDF].
10 mins Short introduction by Nathalie Aubert to Camp Pixelache 2012
20 mins Discussion about Hexayurt Talkoot and engaging with Occupy social movement
5 mins Close & pack up
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