It has taken a few days for the Pixelache Festival producton office to come to terms with the statement below by Užupis Ambassador H.E. Max Haarich, that they have come so far, and decided to stay. In Hyrsylä, 1hr from Helsinki.
As co-director, I (Andrew Gryf Paterson) hope it is possible to negotiate a compromise situation before the festival is complete. Fellow producers have been working hard to prepare a stall for the Republic of Užupis's representation in a position winking across at the EU@Oodi base on the ground 1 floor of Oodi Central Library, with the hope that diplomatic and convivial presence is restored. Consultation with the Užupis Principles for Trustworthy A.I. Design (below) will yield greater understanding between humans, machines and territories.
Hyrsylä, 2 JUN 2021:
"Užupis Ambassador H.E. Max Haarich announced today that he decided not to attend the Pixelache Festival physically. Instead, he prefers to stay in his beautiful quarantine location and to offer only online meetings. He explains his decision referring to Pixelache Festival’s topic #burn: the festival is about recovery from the stress of the last year and from technology in general. In his opinion, the best way he can contribute to this is by simply staying where he is – next to the cherry brandy.
We, the Embassy oft he Republic of Užupis to Munich, express our incomprehension and sorrow for this surprising announcement. We are aware that the ambassador cannot evade his obligations to Pixelache Festival by simply burning a badly drawn copy oft his artist contract. However, we see no chance for him to change his mind, until he runs out of alcohol, π-nuts, and those delicious cinnamon flavoured fish bites (so tasty).
We will keep you informed about the alternative online program where you can learn about the Embassy’s ethical AI activities, and also apply for the Užupis citizenship as a requirement for taking over other official positions > a certain ambassador’s position might soon be vacant!"
Supported by Goethe-Institut Finnland.
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