Light is History is a community based energy art space. It is an initiative to engage citizens with issues of community well being and energy consumption in daily living through art and research. The project is initiated and designed by Karthikeya Acharya and Samir Bhowmik, researchers and doctoral students from Aalto University, School of Art, Design and Architecture.
They plan to create a community art installation using domestic electrical artifacts from the participants’ homes to be housed within custom made bright light therapy lamps. During the autumnal dark month of November 2012, the project aims to provide collective well-being in the public space in the Kallio neighborhood in Helsinki, Finland.
Get involved! They are looking for artists and residents of Kallio to participate in our light-energy-artifact installation. Please respond to this first call by 15th October. Participants may fill out the participation form on the Light is History website or, email them: karthikeya.acharya [-at-] aalto.fi, samir.bhowmik [-at-] aalto.fi
Soon Karthikaya and Samir will host a community meeting for the participants & organizers to go through the details of the installation later in October. They will also present their project at the upcoming Wärk Festival on 20-21.10.
Welcome to join and follow the Facebook group for the project. If you wish to encourage locals to get involved you can download their poster for distribution with text or with QRcode [1 MB].
The project receives support from Aalto Media Factory as part of Talking Trash(lab) activities this year, and is carried out under the Pixelversity Creative Neighbourhood Skills initiative.
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