We are calling out for short presentations (5-15mins) for the unconference Camp Pixelache 2013 event from 17-19.5. on Naissaar, near Tallinn, Estonia.
Our curated themes for the Festival are emerging as Creative Development (North-South, Tallinn-Helsinki & other relations), Virtuality, Resonance, Anti-disciplinarity, Waste, Techno-ecologies, and Control. Welcome to be inspired by these or introduce other topics into the Camp!
Please note that for the workshops, apart from tables, limited electricity generated by solar cells and slow internet, Pixelache will not be able to provide other infrastructure or materials that would require to be carried from the mainland. We would also like to stress that all presentations and workshops should try to adapt their form and materiality to the given locality, in an attempt to create a symbiosis between the camp and the island. Keep this in mind when you think along your contribution!
Presentations can still be proposed by confirmed participants until the Camp Pixelache day, but because of the infrastructure on Naissaar and the fact that there is a limited amount of places and spaces, we need to confirm all the participants, as well as workshops & demos well in advance.
The call is open until 19.4. Submit your proposal here and read more about Camp Pixelache here!
For other inquiries, please contact office [-at-] pixelache.ac
Liittyvä sisältö

The main venue for Camp Pixelache isNaissaar(formerly Nargen, Nargö), an island located near Tallinn, 10 km away from the Estonian coast. The island was rumoured to be “Terra Feminarum” (the island’s Estonian name literally translates as ‘island of women’) but had until WWII a historic Estonian-Swedish fishing community. The island’s military history still leaves its traces in tangible and intangible forms: military buildings, sea-mine relics, heavy minerals, and a vague 3-month period following the October Revolution when it was declared an anarcho-syndicalist autonomous republic. Closed...