In 2014, Pixelversity outreach & education programme continues consolidating previous themes, and introducing a few new ones: InfoWork, Trashlab, AV-Culture, Ruins, and other things not yet become.
Special attention will be given to the 'InfoWork' that is done in Pixelache organisation, including documention and archiving. There will be ongoing Amok events (Photo-tagging & Data-entry) on our photo-archive, several media streaming workshops focused on open source software/hardware solutions, aswell as interview and research initiatives related to, for example, Maaland initiative. With our 'Narratives' project, we will endeavour use some time and resources later in the year to record the narratives of those involved in Pixelache. These activities are supported by a grant from the Ministry of Culture for cultural knowledge-sharing in digital forms. The InfoWork theme also gives experience for revealing the social-organisational processes events involved in open-plan event production, via our EU Grundtvig-supported Open Learning Steps and Open-sourcing Festivals (OLSOF) network project, which will be announced in February with more detail.
'Trashlab' continues in the regular venue of Helsinki City Library's new Kaupunkiverstas space, maintaining a regular meeting point (1st tuesday eve of each month) for those concerned with material and electronic waste in contemporary society, and tackle this problem with creative and tangential approaches. Last year Trashlab fixing was a focus, this year we hope that creative hacking strategies join in. Learn more.
The Creative Coding for Live Audiovisuals workshops that took place last year as part of 'AV-Culture' theme in cooperation with AAVE Festival will again take place, but this time centred around the use of Raspberry Pi platform as an live audio-visual tool using OpenFrameworks and PureData coding. Look out for call for participation very soon!
We will initiate a new project collaboration under the theme 'Ruins', which was initiated in discussion with Aalto University Pori School of Art and Media. The transference of their MA programme to Otaniemi, Espoo, under the new name of ViCCA (Visual Culture and Contemporary Art) will be our partner to conceptualise and implement a series of guided tours/expeditions in the Autumn season, which explore the ruin aesthetic in relation to different disciplinary backgrounds.
In connection to Pixelache Network, and Camp Pixelache 2014 in Helsinki in June, Pixelversity will continue to focus on developing Commons, Bioregional and creative environmental education perspectives, as well as support trans-disciplinary processes, such as Foodycle Festival and Case Pyhäjoki.
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