Wednesday May 2nd, 18:00-19:00 EEST/GMT +2
In the 7th Virtuality Grand Tour Stop (and last before Camp Pixelache Virtuality gathering on 11.5.) we are going to play with a toolkit from Google: the G+ Hangout, led by Owen Kelly. Hangout allow to to screenshare, to coordinate Slideshare and YouTube and play group games. We will be looking at the possible value of G+ Hangouts as a pop-up learning resource, with a view to its use at Camp Pixelache and beyond. At first glance it seems much better than Skype or Twitvisio, but to find out if this is actually true or not we need a test team willing to have fun trying to bend it to our collective will!
We will begin at our usual meeting place in Twitvisio where we can share all our information. We can also use this as a fall-back place if the Hangout crashes.
For more info see static & dynamic pages.
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In the 7th Virtuality Grand Tour Stop (and last beforeCamp Pixelache Virtuality gatheringon 11.5.) we are going to play with a toolkit from Google: theG+ Hangout, led byOwen Kelly. Hangout allow to to screenshare, to coordinate Slideshare and YouTube and play group games. We will be looking at the possible value of G+ Hangouts as a pop-up learning resource, with a view to its use at Camp Pixelache and beyond. At first glance it seems much better than Skype or Twitvisio, but to find out if this is actually true or not we need a test team willing to have fun trying to bend it to our...