The 6th Stop of Virtuality Grand tour is Pegman går i Rosengård - Google walk in virtual Malmö, taking place on Tuesday 17.4. at 18.00 EEST/+2 GMT.
Artist Mikko Lipiäinen invites you to a dérive, an unplanned psychogeocraphical journey in the online media landscape of Malmö’s city district Rosengård, which have served as an example of failed multiculturalism for international audience ever since Fox News reportage of its muslim immigrants went viral 2005. As both analytical and playful, dérive can be useful for study effects of the environment on the emotions and behavior of individuals and take participants off their predictable paths, maybe leading us into improved awareness of the current media landscape and our relationship to it.
Mikko Lipiäinen will use a combination of Google Maps and a simple chat service to enable a shared experience of the journey. The event is open for all who accept the following key principles of safe space: anyone can relax and be fully self-expressed, without fear of being made to feel uncomfortable, unwelcome, or unsafe on account of biological sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, cultural background, age or physical or mental ability.
You can join the dérive on Tuesday 17 April at 18.00 EEST/+2 GMT at the following url: http://www.hirvikatu10.net/rosengard. Again the event will last for 1 hr, and we will use our Twitvisio #pixelversity channel as back-channel for the event (sign in with a Twitter account).
* A ‘grand tour’ was, in the tradition of classical learning, a travel around cultural landmarks. In this theme we revive the practice online, with each stop on the Virtuality Grand Tour (VGT) exploring different online platform(s) and tools, and is hosted by a particular person.
Image credit: Google Search.
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The 6th Stop of Virtuality Grand tour isPegman går i Rosengård - Google walk in virtual Malmö, taking place onTuesday 17.4. at 18.00 EEST/+2 GMT.
ArtistMikko Lipiäineninvites you to a dérive, an unplanned psychogeocraphical journey in the online media landscape of Malmö’s city district Rosengård, which have served as an example of failed multiculturalism for international audience ever since Fox News reportage of its muslim immigrants went viral 2005. As both analytical and playful, dérive can be useful for study effects of the environment on the emotions and behavior of individuals and...