The 5th stop on the Virtuality Grand Tour* is upcoming tomorrow (!) Tues. 20.3. at 18.00 EEST / +2 GMT.
Jon Paludan, artist-gamer from Copenhagen, invites us to an open google spreadsheet, as a free game world. Here you can make your own area the way you want, although anybody can also change this public space. When you have to make all from scratch, it becomes clear that online culture is both open and closed, private and public. Such a space could give a clue on what kind of control an open space needs to work, what do we want to play.
Again the event will last for 1 hr, and we begin in our Twitvisio #pixelversity channel (sign in with a Twitter account).
* A ‘grand tour’ was, in the tradition of classical learning, a travel around cultural landmarks. In this theme we revive the practice online, with each stop on the Virtuality Grand Tour (VGT) exploring different online platform(s) and tools, and is hosted by a particular person.
Image credit: Jon Paludan & Google Documents.
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The 5th stop on theVirtuality Grand Tour* is Tues. 20.3. at 18.00 EEST / +2 GMT.
Jon Paludan, artist-gamer from Copenhagen, invites us to anopen google spreadsheet, as a free game world. Here you can make your own area the way you want, although anybody can also change this public space. When you have to make all from scratch, it becomes clear that online culture is both open and closed, private and public. Such a space could give a clue on what kind of control an open space needs to work, what do we want to play.
Again the event will last for 1 hr, and we begin in ourTwitvisio...