The third stop on the Virtuality Grand Tour* is Wednesday 22.2. at 18.00 EEST / +2 GMT.
This time our host and tour guide is Darko Aleksovski, an artist and critic living in Macedonia. He will present to us as a website tour, the curious urbanization and architecture of two Macedonian cities, considering the urban, political and economical aspects, as complementary social phenomena: What is it that a city needs the most, or doesn't need at all?
Again the event will last for 1 hr, and we meet up in our Twitvisio #pixelversity channel (sign in with a Twitter account).
* A ‘grand tour’ was, in the tradition of classical learning, a travel around cultural landmarks. In this theme we revive the practice online, with each stop on the Virtuality Grand Tour (VGT) exploring different online platform(s) and tools, and is hosted by a particular person.
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