All posts by John W. Fail:
News / Pixelversity
After a nomadic year 2013 of Trashlab repair workshops touring different studios and maker spaces in Helsinki, the activity in 2014 has now settled into Kaupunkiverstas, the city librarys maker space in Lasipalatsi. The maker space is a recent initative by...
18 February 2014,
Andrew Gryf Paterson
Open calls / Recommended events
The P2P Lab (Ioannina, NW Greece) proudly opens the doors of its new facility to potential collaborators, scholars, activists, geeks and friends. The open call for visiting scholars & collaborators has just been announced! The visiting scholars program...
11 February 2014,
Andrew Gryf Paterson
Misc / Recommended events
Ars Lieke 2014 tarjoaa ensimmäistä kertaa koko Kymenlaaksossa suomalaisen elektronisen taiteen katselmuksen 8.2.–13.4.2014. Rollaattorirobotteja, muuntuvia kuva- ja äänimaisemia, sinkkunaisen partnerinhoukutus- ja karkotuspäähineitä - Ars Lieke tarjoaa...
09 February 2014,
Andrew Gryf Paterson
Open calls / Recommended events
May 22–25, 2014, Nida, Lithuania Deadline for proposals February 15th, 2014 The Inter-format symposium is a main yearly Nida Art Colony event which is a merge between academic conference, art festival and cosy performative meeting of interdisciplinary...
03 February 2014,
Andrew Gryf Paterson