Recycling Olympic Games
Recycling Olympic Games (ROG) is an alternative sports event that is focused on creative waste-reuse, where international teams compete for the title of “Upcycling Champion of the Gulf of Finland” and a trophy. The Games are held over a week in early May from 6-12.5., consisting of a variety of tasks each team will compete in the competition. In this pilot experiment year, there are two teams : Home and Away. The Recycling Olympic Games village is based in Suvilahti, to the grassy-side of Eesti Maja. Welcome to visit! Some of us recycle for financial sustainability, others for convenience and still more for ecological ideals but for whatever the reason, we can improve on our practices through the competitive, peer-learning environment created for ROG. Competition events will challenge the teams with a variety of tasks from building dwellings, to cooking, to fashion with the constraint of no budget, aside from some basic devices for connecting materials. For one week competitors will 'live', 'sleep', and eat re-purposing the detritus of Helsinki. The Recycling Olympic Games are initiated by members of Culture Factory Polymer, Tallinn, and is part of Pixelversity 2013 programme’s Waste/d theme. Suomeksi Kierrätysolympialaiset (Recycling Olympic Games, ROG) on vaihtoehtoinen urheilutapahtuma, joka keskittyy jätteen luovaan uudelleenkäyttöön esimerkiksi rakentamiseen, vaatteisiin ja ruoanlaittoon liittyvissä tehtävissä. 6.-12.5.2013 järjestettävissä kisoissa maajoukkueet (Team 'Home' ja 'Away') ja kansainväliset tiimit kilpailevat Suomenlahden upcycling-mestaruudesta ja komeasta olympiapokaalista. Kisalajeista joukkueet tulevat suoriutumaan muutamia työvälineitä lukuuottamatta nollabudjetilla. Kierrätysolympialaiset tarjoaa kilpailijoilleen ja yleisölleen mahdollisuuden kehittää itseään kierrättäjänä, inspiraation lähteestä riippumatta. Kierrätysolympialaisten takana ovat tallinnalaisen Kultuuritehas Polymerin jäsenet.
04-05.5. Pre-games warm-up days @ Kierrätystehdas / RecyclingFactory Festival at Kaapelitehdas. Competitions, listed below, begin on the scheduled date and will be judged after 24 hours (i.e. If a challenge were to begin in the evening, it would then be judged the following evening at 18.00, with the next days challenge starting after the judging). 06.5. Opening Ceremony & Olympic Village Construction Creating an “Olympic Village” from scrap. Teams will have to construct shelters which they will live in for the week. Shelters will be given a pass/fail evaluation on 07.5. with a final evaluation of design and function on 12.5. 07.5. Kitchen Creating facilities to cook, focusing on recycling kitchenware. Gourmet Dumpster Diving Cooking Challenge 08.5. Power Generation Energy generation Challenge. 09.5. Invention Attempting to invent the perfect tool for dumpster diving 10.5. Trashion Recycled fashion show 11.5. Endurance recycling Long lasting recycling trip 12.5. Finishing/Clean up at Olympic Village Tidying up, selecting media, developing public info display 14-17.5. Exhibition of Team shelters and documentation Come see the Recycling Olympic Games village museumified, with a selection of photo documentations from the past week's competitions. 16.5. Closing Ceremony at 20.30 Awarding of places/presentation on ROG as part of Pixelache Festival 2013 Openings inside Eesti Maja.
Team Home 1. Mikko Laajola - Finland 2. Tomi Flinck - Finland 3. Sara Milazzo - Finland (missing days 7th and 11th May, sorry) 4. Paivi Raivio - Finland (can participate only on 9th, 10th and 11th May) 5. Reina Skye - New Zealand/Finland (missing a few days) Team Away 1. Jan Pankovets - Estonia 2. Ernest Truely (missing day 8th May) - USA/Estonia 3. Justin Tate - USA/CAN/Estonia 4. Nicholas Torretta - Brazil/Finland
Each day Trashlab Facebook Group is encouraged to attend the physical jury sessions from 18.00-19.00, starting on 7.05 and culminating on 12.05. The first 3 persons who attend are registered as the physical jury, and have the authority to judge the team's competition effort of the previous 24hrs. In presence, teams will have 15 minutes to present/demonstrate their project - no exceptions. Projects should be judged on criteria unique to each challenge, function/efficiency, design and the degree of upcycling (how well the team was able to re-purpose waste materials for the assigned task). Following the presentations, judges are asked to give each team a score from 1 (dissapointing) - 5 (great) based on the overall criteria. Lack of entry by a team gains a 0 (fail). If you are interested to see the judge's evaluation forms can be downloaded as a pdf here. Following the physical jury a video (max 1 min) or photo is uploaded to Trashlab Facebook Group by each team for each challenge between 19.00-23.59. Name of team + challenge name is added as part of FB post. The online group can 'like' each video/image of the team for each challenge as the online vote until 13.5. The score-keeping is facilitated by Andrew Paterson (Pixelache) who visits Monday 6th, Wed 8th, Thursday 9th, Friday 10th, Sunday 12th. Andrew will add the scores to the online master-score spreadsheet each day, and count the non-team member 'likes' on 13.5. Andrew + Finnish Pixelache members will arrange the ceremony, with remote presenation of Justin from Nida Art Colony on 16th May at 20.30.
Venue info
The Recycling Olympic Village will be built from 6th May next to Eesti Maja (Sörnäisten rantatie 22).

To speak Finnish to our documentarist: Antti Ahonen: aahonen [-at-] gmail.com, +358 (0) 4075 14509 To contact all core team members: rog [-at-] pixelache.ac (in English) To contact founders of the Games: Justin Tyler Tate: justate [-at-] gmail.com (in English) Jan Pankovets : jan.pankovets [-at-] gmail.com (in Estonian, Russian, English)