Following all the openness that has been around in Helsinki this year, as part of WDC, ADC and OK Festival, we invite you to get involved in a _very_ Open Workshop weekend!
What happens in the workshop is open. How it gets done is open. What to spend the budget on is open. Participation is free and open, however based on email registration in advance. A reasonable amount of money will be on the table at the beginning. Those attending the workshop will have to collaborate, discuss, make decisions, and do it together. The process will be documented by Antti Ahonen, and has to be accountable according to Finnish cultural association standard and rules at the end of workshop (receipts stuck on A4).
Meeting place for the beginning of the workshop is Pixelache office (Tallberginkatu 1 C 23, 4.kr) on Saturday 13.10. at 12.00, and the workshop will be completed by Sunday 14.10 at 18.00
Ideally you will register in advance by sending email (short introduction about your background and why you are interested in the workshop in finnish or english) before 12.10. to aahonen[-at-]gmail.com and cc' andrew[-at-]pixelache.ac, but it could also be acceptable to turn up at the start to negotiation what happens.
Workshop concept proposed by Antti Ahonen, as part of Pixelache Helsinki's Pixelversity open design education programme 2012.
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Following all the openness that has been around in Helsinki this year, as part ofWDC,ADCandOK Festival, we invite you to get involved in a _very_ Open Workshop weekend!
What happens in the workshop is open. How it gets done is open. What to spend the budget on is open. Participation is free and open, however based on email registration in advance. A reasonable amount of money will be on the table at the beginning. Those attending the workshop will have to collaborate, discuss, make decisions, and do it together. The process will be documented by Antti Ahonen, and has to be accountable...