As promised following the first repair-cafe event organised in Helsinki last December, thanks to the initiative of Päivi Raivio, there will be 'Trashlab' branded repair-cafe events each month at a series of different venues this year, as part of the Pixelversity 2013 Waste/d theme.
The first of the year takes place on Saturday 23.2. from 14-17 at Made in Kallio space (Vaasankatu 14).
These events are social occasions to gather and try to fix the things you have that are broken, and meet others who care about tinkering, fixing, hacking, and the problem of waste and obsolescence in society. Each time we try to identify someone in advance who has some experience/skills, although everyone is encourage to help each other.
Show your appreciation or attendance in upcoming Facebook event, join the Trashlab Facebook group, or emailing list following these instructions: send a blank email to: trashlab-subscribe [-at-] pixelache.ac [system will then send you a confirmation request, and once you reply to it, a message confirming that you are a subscriber]
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As promised following the first repair-cafe event organised in Helsinkilast December, thanks to the initiative ofPäivi Raivio, there will be 'Trashlab' branded repair-cafe events each month at a series of different venues this year, as part of thePixelversity 2013Waste/d theme.
The first of the year takes place onSaturday 23.2. from 14-17atMade in Kalliospace (Vaasankatu 14).
These events are social occasions to gather and try to fix the things you have that are broken, and meet others who care about tinkering, fixing, hacking, and the problem of waste and obsolescence in society. Each...