Pixelache Echo! Already running several nights at 22.00 EEST since 21.7., you can listen in same time every day to Rasų Radijas (Rasos Radio) from Vilnius until 4th August. More info here.
This year Pixelache festival 2021 was collaborating with Rasų Radijas, whereby we exchanged radio content in both our programmes, including the inaugural ūmėdė: x⬳disciplinary symposium for emerging art & related matters, that took place a few days (17-20.6.) after our Pixelache festival. It is an example of the value of cultural exchange, curatorial partnership and open radio processes.
The following hand-picked playlist by Gaile Griciute is selected from our Open Call for Audio selection that was presented during the festival via radio stream, and produced by festival partners {openradio}:
Ileana Ghergina – Magdalena (Burnt away)
Jairo Acosta Lara – Mi mundo suena … / My world sounds like…
Orkida Braculla – Nostalg[j]ia
Autoturk (Lena Kilina, Adam Sinykin, Sofya Chibisguleva) – Versatile Substance
Yuri Bruscky – Juntando os Cacos (Picking Up The Pieces)
Ileana Ghergina – Burnt / Half-burning the poem out of me (Shakespeare sonnet 116)
Anne Yoncha – Re:Peat – Post-extraction land use in Northern Ostrobothnia
Fahmi Mursyid – Unidentified Sonic
Amelia Marzec – Future Syndrome
Leo Pahta – Itäinen Mynämäki MW 96
Julian Scordato – Study for a landscape #2
Leo Pahta – Sylva Sylvarum
Veera Launonen – Sinä olet helmi
Yoojin Lee, Night(s) of Philosophy & Giuseppe Termine – Nighthoek
Tuomo Tammenpää – Nuotio
"Radijo galerija - tai platforma, skirta eksponuoti garso meno kūrinius, konceptualius grojaraščius, autorines laidas, gyvas renginių transliacijas ir įvairų garsinį turinį. Kviečiame klausytis adresu rasuradijas.lt jums tinkamu laiku!
Radio’s gallery is a platform for exhibiting sound works, conceptual playlists, shows, live event broadcasts and a variety of audio content. We invite you to listen to rasuradijas.lt gallery at any time that suits you!"
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