The Open Sourcing Festivals project that Pixelache initiated a little bit over 2 years ago is now in its last phase. A few months ago we did a soft launch of the Open Sourcing Festivals website where we keep announcing events and sharing different documents, check it out! The project culminates with two exciting events organised by Mal au Pixel in Paris and Access Space in Sheffield and to be held within the next few weeks...
In the context of Gaîté Lyrique's 'Laboratoire Ouvert', Mal au Pixel and four of the Pixelache Network nodes from Bergen, Reykjavik, Sheffield and Helsinki have from May 2014 to April 2015, co-designed a cycle of open meetings, gatherings and workshops offering critical points of view on current, emerging or future technologies. Artist-researchers have been invited to share their know-how during workshops focusing on topics such as liquid data transmission low-tech systems to organic matter based computers, celestial bodies tracking devices, Tempest based radios, or even, cybernetic ghosts detectors. etc. As the closing event of this Pixel_Lab cycle, Mal au pixel is organising a full week-end of performances, talks and workshops during 24-26 April. On this occasion, we will examine and collectively reflect on of some of the very topical questions raised by the « digital tsunami » : the transformations of identities and sociabilities ; the speculation on the value of social capital in the era of social networks ; the concentration and centralization of the the web in a context of global surveillance ; the rise of supra-human algorithmic networked entities, etc. Check out the detailed programme and participants.
In addition, our UK partner Access Space is also preparing for Do It Anyway 2015, their first ever festival as well as the first manifestation of a Pixelache Network festival in the UK. Do It Anyway is also the closing event for the whole Open Sourcing Festivals process. The event will take place during the week end of 15-16 May in Sheffield. Over the weekend the festival will feature free digital arts performances and workshops. Follow programme updates in the coming weeks here.
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