Case Pyhäjoki – Artistic reflections on nuclear influence was a trans-disciplinary expedition and production workshop that took place in Pyhäjoki, Northern Finland 1. - 11.8.2013. The sixth nuclear power plant of the country is planned to be build in Pyhäjoki.
The 'Case' was opened by Mari Keski-Korsu, artistic director and executive producer of the project, and the selected 18 participants included hybrid artists, researchers and activists (see below list). The programme consisted of lectures, meeting local people and expeditions of different kinds to get to know the area, nuclear power as phenomenon, and what the power plant means to people. It was acknowledged that the nuclear issue reaches from the local to national and global. What is artist's role in the changes in the area and wider? How can we develop methods of creative work in a complex and contested place of social tragedy and distress? How can we communicate this through to wider networks?
As well as talking, thinking and research, there is also time for action. The participants have created different types of engagements, prototype events and experiments, reaching from a large 'thank you' sign for those who refuse to sell their land to the nuclear power company, to the design of a 'power sports day', a local fairytale, aswell as a mural painting with local youth, a special Karaoke/Clip Kino playlist, and a DIY geiger-counter building workshop.
The contributing presentations, workshops, expeditions and reflections are documented online at casepyhajoki.info and facebook.com/casepyhajoki | #casepyhajoki
The participants of Case Pyhäjoki are Ryoko Akama (JP/UK), Erich Berger (AT/FI), Brett Bloom (US/DK), Bonnie Fortune (US/DK), Carmen Fetz (AT), Antye Greie-Ripatti (FI/DE), Martin Howse (UK/DE), Maarit Laihonen (FI), Liisa Louhela (FI), Pik Ki Leung (HK), Mikko Lipiäinen (FI), Shin Mizukoshi (JP), Helene von Oldenburg (DE), Opposite_Solutions (RO), Andrew Gryf Paterson (SCO/FI), Leena Pukki (FI), and Heidi Räsänen (FI).
Case Pyhäjoki was supported by Kone Foundation and Arts Promotion Centre of Finland.
* Image credit: Antye Greie
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