Member activity : Ville Hyvönen

Your First Look at THE SONS OF EL TOPO by Alejandro Jodorowsky and José Ladrönn
Jazzlegendat Suomessa - arkistot aukeavat | Radio | Areena |
The heavenly music of Florian Fricke in Werner Herzog's films @sendvictorious @RBMA #rbmadaily
Fucking Japan, Iceland and Norway, such great places otherwise but this is a major blind spot - Japan confirms it w…
I had a dream last night of a LED video wall in my home that became a rogue AI and when I tried to contain it, it…
RT @WIRED: Facebook was an un-corporation, an excuse for a summer of beer pong and code sprints. Indeed, Mark Zuckerberg’s first business c…
Juha Hurme pelasti klassikon – Katrina oli 30-luvulla kansainvälinen bestseller
Hello! would your string quartet be available for a christmas eve gig at our company party where you just play the…
It’s Cold, Dark and Lacks Parking. But Is This Finnish Town the World’s Happiest? - The New York Times
RT @tofunpurija: Muutaman vuoden takainen juttu. Joka vuosi ajankohtainen.
RT @parismartineau: Amazon owns IMBDb, GoodReads, Twitch, Audible, a 10,000 Year Clock made of a mountain, a truck that dispenses raw steak…
RT @EsaMakinen: Liu Cixin on huikean hyvä tieteiskirjailija. Nyt suomeksi julkaistu Kolmen kappaleen ongelma kannattaa lukea, ja sen jatko-…
Peter Gabriel and Fairlight CMI via @YouTube
RT @SafeSelfDrive: This is why we can’t have fun tech things; only takes one bad apple. AV’s turn will come—probably with a remote car or t…
RT @yleuutiset: Hyviä uutisia matkailijoille: Yle Areenaa voi katsoa nyt koko EU-alueella
ARP 2500 Modular Synthesizer Model 2502 Extremely RARE ! | Reverb
If you are using a free email or messaging service, it’s safe to assume you’re messages are not kept private
Suomen poliisin “Iranin shaahi” “HEVI” panssariauto-säätö voi vaikuttaa hieman oudolle nyt, mutta osoittaa mielestä…
RT @nytimes: Exclusive: Internal Facebook records show that the company gave Microsoft, Amazon, Netflix and other tech giants far more intr…
The Revenant | "A World Unseen" Documentary | 20th Century FOX via @YouTube
BBC: Tones Drones And Arpeggios The Magic Of Minimalism