EEdays day 2
29 lokakuu 2013 12:00 — 16:00
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Introduction Education Engineering Daysis an invite-based 3-day unconference event at Otaniemi (Espoo) and Suvilahti (Helsinki) sites, from27th to 29th Octoberwhich gathers an international community of professionals changing the global education landscape. The term ‘education engineers’, suggested by the organizers for joint discussion, implies an emerging profile of professionals who successfully develop, implement, and adjust educational practices; and by doing so, aiming to supplement – or to be an alternative to – traditional tertiary education, and to satisfy perceived real world...
17. lokakuuta 2013 00.23,
Andrew Gryf Paterson

Education Engineering Daysis an invite-based 3-day unconference event at Otaniemi (Espoo) and Suvilahti (Helsinki) sites, from27th to 29th Octoberwhich gathers an international community of professionals changing the global education landscape. Public etherpad |Eventbrite | Facebook | #eedays The term ‘education engineers’, suggested by the organizers for joint discussion, implies an emerging profile of professionals who successfully develop, implement, and adjust educational practices; and by doing so, aiming to supplement – or to be an alternative to – traditional tertiary education, and...