Disassembling of Window Farm
28 maaliskuu 2010 16:00 — 17:00

The Window Farm installation will be dismantled, and distributed in segments to selected persons and organisations (make a bid!), including basic start-up hydroponic materials, and maybe even plants. This occasion will be accompanied by music from Helsinki-based electronica-dub group Dreadlock Tales, via head-phones or short-range FM transmitter.
Liittyvä sisältö

The Herbologies/Foraging Networks programme of events, focused in Helsinki (Finland) and Kurzeme region of Latvia, explores the cultural traditions and knowledge of herbs, edible and medicinal plants, within the contemporary context of online networks, open information-sharing, biological andhydroponictechnologies. The traditions of finding and knowing about wild food in the local Nordic environment are slipping away from the current generation. How can one attract their attention: With books, online maps, workshops, mobile-guided tours, open-source information or DNA code? Or learn how to...
14. huhtikuuta 2016 00.00,
Andrew Gryf Paterson

https://www.kansallisgalleria.fi/fi/object/398660It's time to go overground and make a special Pixelache announcement. Time to recognize persistance of the DIY bioart imagination, and in particular, Adam Zaretsky's.. During his Hybrid DNA ExtractionWorkshop that took placeon 27th Marchduring the Pixelache Helsinki 2010 Festival, he proposed that what the participants were making-newmedia based on new DNA organic combinations- could be donated to the Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art collections. It took a while to negotiate the donationand make it a priority, but it has been a quietfact...